Friday, October 16, 2009

first day on grass

we are now t-minus 8 days to the start of the season and the grass courts opened this week. So first chance to get out on court was today, first kind of hot day for the season too! Having felt ill last night and having done a few lessons this morning I wasn't exactly peachy keen to be doing any serious training and it showed.

Really lethargic + soft courts = disaster story. I took the prestige out today to convince myself to use it next week and all I managed to do is the opposite, I am now 100% going to use faithful ProStaff, I just can't leave it alone. I am spraying balls everywhere, every time I try to attack at all its flying off the hook, very frustrating given that I attack at the whiff of an opportunity.

Hit with RS today who works with me, he is a well rounded player and a great defender, you might say he is a bit of a pusher but I don't like the negativity of the term. He really plays balls on their merit, he does what is required and can move forward and take the net when required. However his biggest strength is his defense and almost aims to draw players to the net to pass with his accurate groundies.

Unfortunately for me we didn't hit any serves today, my biggest strength and RS's biggest weakness. But anyway back to today, I have really almost given up trying to analyse as I am willing to discard it as "a bad day" I am at the point in my tennis career where I don't want / care to dwell on too much on the negatives. I also don't want to be so naive as to think I cannot learn but I am happy that this is the right attitude for todays session.

The weather really hurt me today, first warm day with little wind, I struggled for fitness and could only manage about 70 mins of any serious hitting which isn't going to hold me in good stead should it be hot next week. Its really strange as I have felt very good at the last couple of hits which surprised me how good I felt to be honest.

ANALYSIS : move on...

still gotta restring my PS
hit twice next week on grass
try to ease back aggression to match current ability level!

until next time...
if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those imposters just the same

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