Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Welcome to my blog

For no better reason then self improvement, I have decided to undertake a blog of my upcoming league season. I look back on results from previous years but unless there was something particularly interesting about the match many of them are far from fresh in my memory. Obviously we train to play and matches are really the pinnacle of being a competitive player so you may as well make the most of them by enjoying them and using their results as a way to improve further.

So some background on me :
30 y/o, 6"4 (1.94)
Right handed, S/W Forehand, One Hand Backhand
Serve & Volley exclusively
ITN : Singles 3.5 (probably more realistically a 4.0), doubles 3.5 / roughly a 5.0 NTRP according to this chart : http://www.itftennis.com/shared/medialibrary/pdf/original/IO_43630_original.PDF
Weaponary : Wilson Pro Staff 6.0 95 for the last 12 years, considering switching to Head MicroGel Prestige Pro

THE LEAGUE : I have played Division 1 league for about the last 4 or 5 years but as a #3 or 4 in the lineup, this season I will be playing as #1 in a Div 3 side as I am playing for the club I am coaching at which is not as strong as the previous clubs I played at. Our competition has around 19 divisions with a premier league above division 1.

MY GAME : Having played mostly on grass courts and having a strong serve and good volleys I have always been a serve volleyer. I move well when in motion but am slow to change direction and i lack good endurance. I am overly aggressive and I play matches on my terms, I win or I lose. I am a prefectionist and am easily agitated at myself, my emotions can get out of control but it is something I am working on. Undoubtedly I make too many errors and lack patience and this is my shortfall in the sport.

1. Retain ITN rating in singles & doubles
2. Make finals
3. Improve emotional control on court
4. Improve shot selection under pressure
5. Be a more positive role model as club coach and team captain

until next time...

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